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Product Code: EE06-PL
Material: PVC — Plastic Semi-Rigid
Width: 300 mm or approximately 11.8”
Height: 150 mm or approximately 5.9”
Thickness: 1 mm

Illumination: Photoluminescent — Glow in the dark. Lasts minimum 2 hours.


The sign is rectangle. It is wider than it is tall.


There is no text on this sign. The background colour is green. The sign contains a “running man on exit facing left” symbol. There is an arrow pointing diagonally down and to the left on the left-hand side.


There is no text on this sign. The background colour is green. The sign contains a “running man on exit facing left” symbol. There is an arrow pointing diagonally up and to the left on the left-hand side.


It is a mandatory safety sign. It tells you something you must do. This is a safe condition sign. It is used to mark the presence of safe exit routes. It is also a Health and Safety Sign, using standard colours and symbols to communicate a safety warning or message.


The sign is manufactured in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.


Price excludes VAT and Delivery

Emergency Exit Up To The Left Sign


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